Michael Aitken
- The Development of Accounting Theory - Significant Contributors
to Accounting Thought in the 20th Century with M Gaffikin, Garland
Publishing Company, December 1982.
- Investing on the Australian Sharemarket, with A Burrowes and R Mullholland,
Macmillan Publishing Company, December 1983. (Fifth reprint 1987)
- Accounting and Financial Management, with M Hirst, Australian Graduate
School of Management, 1989.
- The Microstructure of the Australian Stock Exchange: An Introduction,
with A. Frino, E. Jarnecic, M. McCorry and R. Winn, Asia-Pacific Capital
Markets Foundation, Book Series 1997.
- Liquidate or Trade-Out: A Note on the Price Level Complication,
The Chartered Accountant in Australia, November 1981.
- Loan Self-Insurance Schemes - Some Evidence of their use in Australia,
with David Williams, Management Forum, December 1981.
- Coming to Grips with Books of First Entry, The Australian Accountant,
March 1982.
- Social Responsibility: A Concept Replete with Problems, Singapore
Management Review, December 1982.
- Group Accounts - An Introduction to Some Presentation, Compatibility
and Taxation Considerations, with T Wise, The Australian Accountant,
May 1983.
- Regulating Taxi Operators - Some Historical Insights, with David
Williams in Occupational Regulation and the Public Interest,
Albon, R. and Lindsay G. (eds.) June 1984.
- Dispelling Arguments Against International Accounting Standards,
with A Islam, International Journal of Accounting Education and
Research 19, 2, Spring 1984, 35-46.
- The Real Objective of the International Accounting Standards Committee,
with T Wise, International Journal of Accounting Education and
Research 20,1, Fall 1984, 171-177.
- What is this thing called Financial Accounting Theory?: An Historical
Insight, Accounting History 9, Summer 1985, 21-31.
- The Trading Stock Valuation Adjustment: Extensions and Modifications,
with T Walter, Australian Journal of Management 10, 7, June
1985, 77-96.
- Employee Share Ownership Schemes: Issues and Evidence, Journal
of Industrial Relations, with R Wood, June 1989, 147-168.
- The Securities Industry under Negotiated Brokerage Commissions:
Changes to the Structure and Performance of AASE Member Firms, Journal
of Business Finance and Accounting 17, 2, Spring 1990, 213- 245.
- Organisational Change within the Stockbroking Industry: A Contracting
Perspective, with R Czernkowski, Abacus 27, 2, 97-116, September
- A General Theory of Financial Reporting: Is it Possible?, International
Journal of Accounting 25, 221-233, 1991
- Australian Audit Reports 1979-1989, with R Simnett, The Australian
Accounting Review 1, 1, Summer, 12-19, 1991.
- The Determinants of Brokerage Fees in a Competitive Environment,
Accounting and Finance 31, 1, 51-68, May 1991. [ recipient
of 1991 outstanding manuscript award, AAANZ]
- The Size Effect From a Transaction Cost Perspective, with G Ferris,
Journal of Banking and Finance 15, 1991, 1195-1202.
- Information Leakage Before Takeover Announcements: Insider Trading
or Market Anticipation, with R Czernkowski, Accounting and Business
Research 89, Winter, 1992, 3-20.
- Principal Trading and Agency Trading by Brokers is Complementary:
The Welfare Effects of Deregulating Agency Trading and Banning Principal
Trading, with P L Swan, Accounting and Finance 33, 2, November
- The Information Value of Segment Information: Australian Evidence,
with R Czernkowski and C Hooper, Abacus 30, 1, March 1994
, 65-77.
- The Intra-day Impact of Block Trading on Australian Stock Exchange:
Further Transaction Time Analysis, with A Frino and S Sayers, Asia-Pacific
Journal of Management 11, 2, October 1994, 237-254.
- Accounting Policy Choice in the Australian Property Industry:A Portfolio
Approach, with J Loftus, Accounting and Finance 34, 2, November
1994, 1-20.
- How Brokers Facilitate Trade for Long-Term Clients in Competitive
Securities Markets, with G Garvey and P Swan, Journal of Business
68, 1, January 1995, 1-34.
- Intraday Price Response and Order Imbalance Surrounding Earnings
Releases, with P Brown, A Frino and T Walter, ASX Perspective
1, 31-35, 1995.
- Principal Trading by Stockbrokers, with P Latimer, Australian
Journal of Corporate Law 5, 1-16, 1995.
- Determinants of Delay in a Company's Audit Report?, with F Choo,
M Firth and R Simnett, Advances in Accounting 13, 1-20, 1995.
- Is There and Optimum Tick Size?, with A. Frino and H Madhoo, ASX
Perspective 4, 18-24, 1995.
- An Intraday Analysis of the Probability of Trading on the ASX at
the Asking Price, with P Brown, H Izan, A Kua and T Walter, Australian
Journal of Management 20, 2, 115-154, December 1995. [Recipient
of 1995 prize for the best manuscript]
- The Asymmetry of Price Behaviour Surrounding Block Trades, with
A Frino, Abacus 32, 1, March 1996, 54-61.
- The Determinants of the Bid-Ask Spread: Cross-sectional Analysis,
with A Frino, Accounting and Finance 36, 1, 51-64.
- Execution Costs Associated with Institutional Trades on SEATS, with
A Frino, Pacific Basin Journal of Finance 4, 45-58, 1996.
- Price Clustering on the ASX, with P Brown, C. Buckland, H Izan
and T Walter, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 297-314, 1996.
- The Accuracy of the Tick Test: Evidence from the Australian Stock
Exchange, with A Frino, Journal of Banking and Finance 20,
10, 1715-1729, 1996.
- Consensus Analysts' Earnings Forecasts and Security Returns, with
A Frino and R Winn, Forthcoming, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management
13, 2, 101-110,1996.
- Are Options Beneficial for Investors of Underlying Stocks?, with
Alex Frino and Elvis Jarnecic, ASX Perspective 3, 72-76,1996.
- How much did we gain from the Halving of Stamp Duty?, with P. Swan,
ASX Perspective 2, 4-10, 1997.
- Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure of Segment Information: A
Re-Examination of the Role of Diversification Strategy, with C Hooper
and J Pickering, Accounting and Finance 37, 89-110, 1997.
- Intraday Returns and the Frequency of Trading at the Ask in Stock
Index Futures Markets: A Research Note, with A. Frino and E. Jarnecic,
Abacus, 1997.
- Intraday Price Behaviour Surrounding Short Trades: Evidence from
the Australian Stock Exchange with A Frino, M McCorry and P Swan,
Journal of Finance 53, 6, December 1998, 2205-2224.
- Asia's Financial Markets: Capitalising on Reform; Chapter 5, with
C. Comerton-Forde and Others, East Asia Analytical Unit, 1999
- The Impact of NASDAQ Listing on ASX Stocks, ASX Perspective,
1st Quarter, 2000, 64-67.
- Intelligent trading in the Twenty-first Century: It's not all Upside,
with Carole Comerton-Forde, The Bridge Handbook of World Stock,
Derivative and Commodity Exchanges, Bridges, Mono Visione 2000,
- Rationalising Clearing and Settlement in Australia: A User Perspective,
SIRCA Industry Report, written in association with Carole
Comerton-Forde and Michael Briers on behalf of the Australian Securities
Markets Users Group (AUSMUG), 24 October 2000, 46 pages.
- Picking Off, Quote Matching And The Use Of Undisclosed Limit Orders,
with H. Berkman and D. Mak, Journal of Banking and Finance,
forthcoming 2001.
- The Impact of Brokers' Recommendations: Australian Evidence, with
J. Muthuswamy and K Wong, Pacific Basin Journal of Finance,
forthcoming 2001.
- 32 fortnightly columns between March 2000 and April 2001 for the
weekly magazine Investor's Advisor on a wide range of policy
issues relating the design of securities markets.
- Opening the Curtain on Window Dressing, with Carole Comerton-Forde,
The Bridge Handbook of World Stock, Derivative and Commodity Exchanges,
Bridges, Mono Visione, 2002, pages lxxxv -lxxxiv.
- How Should Liquidity be Measured?, with Carole Comerton-Forde,
Pacific Basin Journal of Finance, forthcoming, 2002.